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Cellulite is the abnormal storage of fat in the adipocytes/fat cells in the hypodermis.

The fat cells are grouped together into large collections which are separated by fibrous strands. These fibrous strands run between the muscle and the skin. As the fat cells expand with weight gain, the gap between muscle and skin expands but unfortunately the fibrous strands cannot stretch. This results in the dimpling characteristic of cellulite

Who does it affect?

Cellulite is mostly a problem in the buttock and thigh area but can affect all areas in some women, irrespective of age and their weight.

Up until now there has not been any effective way to improve cellulite other than losing weight (and this does not always help). Treatments like body wraps, ultrasound and massage can give temporary relief but do not alter the basic structural problem that causes cellulite.


Relax F

There is now a revolutionary treatment for cellulite called Relax F which uses MSQ technology, which is incorporated into a single treatment head.

This is where the MSQ, combination of Radio frequency and electrical energies, provides the mechanical energy that causes a painless stretching of the fibrous bands to reduce the dimpling effect of cellulite.

The fat cells are also broken down and absorbed, metabolism of the area is increased and the end result is a smoother, more regular appearance and general reduction in hip, thigh and stomach size.