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  What is Acne Treatment

Acne is due to blockage of the oil glands by excessive oil, hair, dirt, etc that can trap the bacteria leading to skin redness, inflammation & infection.
Stress leading to hormonal changes and habitual picking of face can cause pimples.
Dr Aileen Lee & Dr Charles Lim, with combined 84 years of experience, are one of the pioneers in Acne Treatment.
Both non-prescriptive and prescriptive medicines are advised by the doctors to control and prevent Acne breakouts.
Combination of Laser Treatments & IPL are commonly recommended to effectively treat & control Acne.

What is Scar Treatment

Scars are due to injury to the skin that can be due to severe acne, frequent squeezing or picking of Acne causing infection.
Once damaged, depending on how deep the injury, skin will repair but a scar will develop. Scars can be depressed (Ice-pick scars) or raised (keloid).
Dr Aileen Lee & Dr Charles Lim, with combined 84 years of experience, are one of the pioneers in Acne Treatment.
Some scars only leave marks (hyperpigmentation) which can be treated with whitening products & peels (chemical & microdermabrasion).
Dysfiguring Scars can be treated by combination of different Laser Treatments.

What is Pigmentation Treatment

Pigmentation or dark spots can be due to excessive & uneven production of melanin. Hormonal changes especially after giving birth, frequent sun exposure without proper protection, post-inflammatory reactions, some side effects of medications and also due to hereditary factors.
Dr Aileen Lee & Dr Charles Lim, with combined 84 years of experience, are one of the pioneers in Acne Treatment.
Whitening products when combined with Laser Treatments can effectively reduce dark spots.
Proper sun protection & regular visit to the doctor to see good results.